April 17, 2007
Best Starter Reptile: Leopard Gecko
So you have been looking around online and you think you know what kind of pet reptile you want. Think again. A lot of people claim that bearded dragons are the best pet and best starter reptile. Well, they are good but do you want to spend $150 up front just for their cage? I don’t think so! Most lizards that get tame need UVB light and that will cost you over $50 just to buy the things you need for it. Also, those lizards need a better balanced diet. Like fruits, vegetables, and some kind of animal protein! So now you are thinking that you don’t want to get a pet lizard any more… Well I have your solution…. The Leopard Gecko! The Leopard Gecko is a great starter reptile or great for a collection. Leopard geckos are not huge lizards and they are not small, they get about 8 inches. Now I will tell you how you need to take care of them and why they are the BEST! (more…)